3 Apr 05

SiteMeter stats are fun

Well, in the spirit of CD, who are you people? I just started really poking around with SiteMeter this weekend, and I noticed a couple technorati searches for "medal of honor" led people to my post about SFC Smith. That was kinda nifty, but today I noticed this. Somebody was obviously looking specifically for me. That warms the heart.

Note: something is wrong with that link. It's supposed to take you to a page that searched for "Army NCO Guy blogspot.com", or something like that. Curses.

Okay, usually when CD asks that infamous question, it's 'cuz somebody was looking for Beyonce's vagina or something similarly insane, but that's the first Google search I've seen that brought somebody here, so it got noticed.

And for the Other Thing™:

Holy crap, a basilalanche! Run for your lives! Friday, my silliness was exposed all across the 'sphere, but it sure was a good day to be a SITYSK™.

Um... thatisall.

OPEN NOTE TO CD: Dude, how do you make the link to goofy Google search pages work? That link I tried to make is taking me to Google's homepage. S'very peculiar.

UPDATE, EH: Okay, the link to Google is fixed. For some reason, the URL changed itself between Google and my SiteMeter. Me not know.

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