25 Apr 05

Stimpy! You Ee-diot!

Just a little Ren there for ya.

So I was watching Fox & Friends this morning. They were talking about something Moby had said. It would appear that he, although he's not gay, wants his son to be. Going off the knowledge that every moonbat possesses- that being, gayness is not a choice, but is forced upon poor unsuspecting people- he's trying to find a way to make his son be gay.

Don't be gay, Sparky. Don't be gay.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anyway, after extensive scientific research, he has somehow come to the conclusion that having his son drink soy milk will make him gay.




Dude, stop. You're making it hard to finish this post. I can't type and laugh at the same time.

Maybe there's a reason you spin discs and not sing. Keep your trap shut.

What's that saying about holding your tongue and being thought a fool rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt?


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