10 Jun 05

I got yer reparations right here, sizzlechest

Instapunk has done some research and crunched some numbers. And- lo and behold!- it turns out white people don't owe possible-descendants-of-slaves a stinkin' thing. Actually, their ROI for being here in America turned out to be pretty darn good!

So, ah, this whitey will be expecting a check. Thanks.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

Army NCO Guy decided you should know this at 2105 | TrackBack
Loyal Readers™ have spoken up!

Wow, your parents must be so proud to have such a racist as a son.

What a loser redneck.

RealityCheck decided we should know this on 16 Jun 05 at 1522

Witty response to moronic troll here.

Army NCO Guy decided we should know this on 17 Jun 05 at 1013
Speak up, you!

Want a glass of milk with that cookie?