29 Dec 04

Honduran Terrorists, Part II

Part I here. But since I think only like five people read SITYSK™, you've probably already read it.

Okee-dokee, it would appear that the psychos who hosed down that bus last week were part of a continent-spanning gang that might have ties to al-Qaeda.



Can we kill them now, or are we waiting for more evidence? We wouldn't want to just start rounding up gangbangers and sending them to Gitmo to share cells with the Taliban... (I mean, not without U.N.-backed multilateralism)... but it would also suck if these pieces of garbage killed another busload of people.

I'll admit, 24 hours ago I had never heard of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). But I was watching the Factor last night (it was Gibson, not O'Reilly), and one of the things he mentioned was that a gang from El Salvador may have been contacted by Al-Qaeda to smuggle Islamist terrorists through Central America and Mexico to Texas. So I went to FoxNews this morning to look for it- (unsuccessfully)- but I did find the update to their "kill kids on the bus" story. Apparently the guy they found with all those guns has been identified as belonging to MS-13. (I don't wanna know how the Honduran cops got him to talk. Hopefully it involved a great deal of pain.) Sorry, that wasn't nice. Evil Brad mode off.

And, this morning, in my trek around the 'sphere, I found that Michelle Malkin has been all over the MS-13 story- actually for months now. I'm not gonna try to add to what she's already written- go to all the places she links to and you'll have the same very frightening picture that I do.

So. Summation: We have an extremely violent and ruthless gang. Said gang has spread from El Salvador and Los Angeles to, well, pretty much all over North America. Said gang has shown a willingness to kill civilians to make a point, making them not a "gang", but a terrorist organization. Said terrorist organization may have been contacted by- or possibly be conspiring with- the sworn enemy of America, al-Qaeda.

I'm still scared. Anybody else scared? Can we kill them now? Then I wouldn't be scared.

Also- (if you wanna go through the trouble)- my boss sent me this story. It's in Spanish, so CD, Carlos, and any other Spanish-readers should be fine. Me, I only know about ten words, so I used this nifty translator, provided by SYSTRAN. It gave me a near-enough-to-get-the-gist-of-the-article English version. I was going to put up a link to the translation but it wouldn't let me. I thought about cut-and-pasting the whole translation to this post, but it was long. Plus it felt like outright plagiarism.

But the point of that story (for me, anyway) is that they met in Comayagua. Um... listen, guys... guys?... nice terrorists?...


So, um, evac now. Get your sorry selves out of town. 'Cuz if I get my wish... a green light from NCA* to acquire a target- I won't have far to go.

(ahh... wishful thinking... ::sniff::)

*-National Command Authority. (The President.) Asterisks provided for Katherine.

UPDATE: Part III here.

Hey, if this entertained or enlightened you in the slightest, kindly visit the new site.

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