14 Jan 05


A Story:

Eight years ago today, at oh-dark-thirty in the freezing Michigan morning, some kid got on a bus and headed for the airport. After his first flight on a jet, and a looooooong bus ride from Atlanta to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he made the acquaintance of some of the finest NCOs this country has ever known. (Drill Sergeants Hill, Hall, and McCoy- if y'all ever read this, thanks.) They began the painful and arduous process of turning said kid into a soldier. Add eight years, a trip to Korea, a lot of getting familiar with Southeast Alabama, mix in a couple vacations to places like Kosovo and Afghanistan, and sprinkle on a recent "redistribution of Brad" to Central America, and you get... me.

It's my Armiversary. Thank you, thank you. No applause necessary. Just doing my job.

Incidentally, this is also the one-month anniversary of SITYSK™.


What? Oh, now y'all don't wanna clap. I see how ya are. Okay.

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