7 Feb 05

Monday morning tidbits

Hey, y'all... some random stuff...

Number One. I heart Prime Minister's Questions. I don't know much of anything about British politics- I don't know Liberal Democrat from Conservative from Labor, they might mean something completely different on the other side of the pond. I have no idea what the heck a Tory is. The only thing I know about Tony Blair is he's the man 'cuz he stood with President Bush on Iraq.

But British politics rules. They aren't afraid to call each other morons on international TV. I hate politics when it involves politicking. If Congress would just tell it like it is, the U.S. government would be much more efficient. Bipartisan, crapioca. If you're an idiot, I'm gonna call you out. PM's Questions rules.

Number Two. So I was watching Fox & Friends this morning and some reporter guy had asked John Kerry why he thought he lost in November. Ya ready? Wait for it...

Because of 9/11. And Osama's tape right before the election.

Yeah. That was it, Senator. Yeah. Senator. Not President. Senator. Oh, sorry. Anyway, yeah. It was 9/11. You never had a chance. It had nothing to do with your screaming liberalism or your inability to take a stance on anything, other than "Bush sucks".

Oh, yeah, and apparently he thinks he's a mainstream Democrat. That means either he's insane, or the whole friggin' Democratic Party is insane.

Moving on...

Number Three. It really irritates me when people cough *Michelle Millhouse* cough consistently misspell words. Especially "Your a such-and-such." It's YOU'RE. You. Are. Contraction.

So. There's a plug for O'Reilly on something about parents listening in on their kids' phone conversations. "Blah blah blah do you think it's not against the law? Your Wrong."

Argh. It's not like you guys are live. This was something somebody typed up and it probably had to go through half a dozen editors.


Okay. Happy Monday, everybody.

UPDATE: The link to C-Span may be broke. It's being looked into.

UDDATE THE SECOND: Nope, the link is fine. My computer was just being wonky.

Wonky. That's two SarahK Patented Words™ in one post. One more and I get a hat trick. Um, pinkytoe. Tony Blair kicks pinkytoe. There. The End.

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