23 Mar 05

A Tribute for Terri

I have remained rather mum on the travesty that is happening to Terri Schiavo. Partly because I haven't been posting much of anything, mostly because just about every blogger I read has said exactly what I would say. There has been a great deal of linkage flying around the 'sphere concerning Terri, so I haven't bothered to link to anybody in particular... until now.

Sir George has written a... can I give it justice... a freakin' AMAZING post about the whole issue. I consider myself a decent writer (when I show up) but there's no way I could say it better. In five short paragraphs he sums up everything that needs to be said. But I would like to add this tiny thing: The Constitution was never meant to be a death sentence to anyone in the name of rule of law. To die for freedom- noble and heroic. To be murdered over petty nuances- shameful... on the part of the murderers.

Go. Read now. If the screen starts getting blurry halfway through, it's not your monitor, just wipe your eyes.

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