6 Apr 05

Vigilante Loops and ACLU Stew

John Smallberries of the Minutemen has posted over at La Shawn's. A tasty morsel:

[I] was astonished to see Reno sitting next to a small man, quietly talking in Spanish to him! I had to stop and be stunned for about 3 seconds. He smiled broadly at me, I smiled back, and then he proceeded to snarf the entire box of Fig Newtons, and drain a 1/3 of the water jug. He had not eaten for days.

Thus - The entire rest of the weekend was conducted without a Fig Newton in sight. Tragic. However - he needed them more then me. Good.

And he was *very* happy to be found. This gent was from Guatemala, his guide had abandoned him 3 days ago, and left him to wander in the desert. He saw the lights of our operation, and simply walked toward the camp, and right up to Reno and Pecos at the front gate. Despite dire media predictions, he was not beaten, robbed, or lynched. He got fed, and actually asked Reno to call “La Migra” to come pick him up. Happy to oblige amigo!

Yup. Definetely racist vigilantes, every one. Go read the rest.

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