29 Apr 05

Bloggy facelift

Okay, messed around with the template a bit more. Finally got around to adding the Alliance blogroll, and then realized the whole sidebar needed to be revised. Changed the color scheme a bit, too. Whatch'y'all think?

I guess I have good timing. They just updated the Alliance roll, so that worked out pretty good. It's all nice and organized and tidy. Hey- I'm **Spicy!**. Uhh... at first I thought that meant "new", until I saw BMEWS and the Rott in the same category. Does that mean I'm special? Yay! I got spicy! I got spicy! I got spicy! Yay!

(/Special Ed mode)

Anyway, does anybody know what that means?

Oh, and I decided to make a spot for Nifty Quotes™. But I don't have any yet. So, uh, let's have some quotes, eh.

And on a final note, the Site Meter passed 3000 while I was in the process of messing with the sidebar. That must be a good sign. Threw me for a loop for a second though, 'cuz that was one of the things I was moving around, but I was only fixing one thing at a time and then checking to see how it made the template look. It caught me off guard 'cuz I was looking at something else and I noticed my Site Meter looked different. So I'm thinking, what the heck made my Site Meter change? Duh.


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