Just go read it. I knew she was lying.
More later, maybe. I'm busy reveling in the fact that her lies are catching up with her.
(What the heck is he talking about?)
UPDATE: Holy crap, a lot of people are finding SITYSK™ from searches for Anna Ayala. (Still get a few for Anna Alaya too- same lady, believe it or not.)
Well, y'all, you will find that I have no respect whatsoever for that lady, but feel free to peruse th' ol' blog for rants on other stupid people, too. I don't just dislike Anna Ayala- I'm also openly biased against Jennifer Wilbanks, Idiotic Liberals, Mikey the Moore-on, Evil Terrorists, MS-13, Commie Dirtbags, and most of Europe. Feel the love.
Oh, there's people I like- it's just not as fun to write about them. Heh.
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