16 May 05

Newsweek is dumb.

Well, I s'pose I oughta chime in on this latest insanity that's captured the Hearts And Mindsâ„¢ of the right side of the blogosphere. I don't intend to repeat what everyone else is saying, 'cuz I pretty much agree with them, but look. They keep saying they ran their questions past some unnamed member of SOUTHCOM (United States Southern Command, of which I happen to be a member). And that person didn't say anything.


Silence isn't compliance, morons. Not with something like this. If you came up to me and asked me some crap about Korans being flushed down the toilet (or anything else I'm clueless about), you're gonna get- and I quote: "No comment." If you don't leave me alone, you might get something like "Git outta my face, silly media ape," depending on what kind of day I'm having.

Would any sane person anywhere take that to mean that I have witnessed first-hand, or maybe even participated in, flushing Korans down the toilet?


(whispering)- we'll give the Media Apes a few more seconds to scratch their heads and grunt.

Answer: No. No, it wouldn't. Not at all. Morons.

Thatisall. (For now.)

UPDATE: Aww, how sweet. They've retracted the story.

Not good enough. Not any more. Let's see you out the idiots that wrote and published it. Then maybe you'll seem like you're sincere.

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