Hey everybody! The jury said Michael Jackson is not guilty! Oh my gosh! I haven't been this excited since the last Strong Bad Email! This is the most incred... i... bull...
head lands on keyboard
Oh, sorry, fell asleep there. Okay. It's done. For the love of all that is sane and good in the world... can we all please stop talking about this stupid trial now? What say you, Oh Persons Of The Media? Am I allowed to get on with my previously scheduled life now?
Why don't y'all tell me something useful- like how many terrorists got iced today? Give me a countdown to the Execution of Saddam™, that'll keep me interested. Anything. Just stop shoving celebrity bullcrap in my face.
UPDATE: Oh, by the way, for the curious: I do not care in the slightest whether he's guilty or not. I hope, since the jury saw fit to acquit him, that he didn't do it- because I hate to see justice skewed one way or the other. But I have gone out of my way to not give one single solitary flying piece of monkey poo about this case. I'm just glad it's over. Now for the hard part: getting the MSM to realize that.
UPDATE, eighteen hours later: Well, no big surprises here- the only thing in the world of the MSM today is the "effects" of the Michael Jackson case. With a short break every twenty minutes to mention Natalee Holloway or a bombing in Iraq.
But there was one very humorous result of all this. Just a typo, that's all... but a very well-placed one. On CNN this morning they were babbling on with somebody or other about Michael Jackson's future in pop music, where's his career gonna go, blah blah, who cares. In EXTREMELY LARGE, BRIGHT WHITE font at the bottom of the screen it said:
They cut to a talking head or something (I was too distracted about "Jackon" to notice what) and shortly cut back to the corrected graphic:
They should've just left it as "Jackon". It was much more interesting that way.
I swear, y'all, I ain't makin' this up. Too frickin' funny.
Off topic- any of you MT gurus know how to center one line of a post? Maybe I should drop this question over at Munuviana...
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