24 May 05

Just one quick question

Is the penalty for treasonous conduct against the United States still death?

If so, I will be expecting, er... "closure" for this guy. Pronto.

Army NCO Guy decided you should know this at 1445 | TrackBack
Loyal Readers™ have spoken up!

I'm in favor of sentencing vermin like Ward Churchill to death just for the treasonous speech that comes out of their mouths... and this maggot is guilty of a lot more than just anti-American words.

He's guilty of conspiring to manufacture a bomb, to sell that bomb to Muslim terrorists, and detonate it in a U.S. city to kill as many Americans as possible.

He's damned lucky I'm not in charge, because I wouldn't have bothered arresting him and putting him on trial. As soon as my agents had verified his intentions, I would have had him eliminated.

Tao Libra decided we should know this on 24 May 05 at 1753

No, no, no. You're so impatient, TL. Trial first, just to be sure... then execution.

But he better not hang around death row for more than, oh, say, ten minutes. There's no need for all that.

Army NCO Guy decided we should know this on 25 May 05 at 1001
Speak up, you!

Want a glass of milk with that cookie?