18 May 05

Me 'n' Mrs. R are on the same wavelength

If you haven't been to Are You Conservative? yet, you've been missing out. Observe:

True or False?

You suspect that American lefties are superior to European lefties because it is hard to imagine a liberal member of the United States Congress voluntarily appearing before the British Parliament for the sole purpose of spewing insults at its leadership on national television.

Conservative answer: True

See, I had a post I was conjuring up that was gonna be titled "I'm glad people like George Galloway exist," or something like that. The reason is that this r-r-raving idiot proves that moonbattery and dictatorial appeasement aren't uniquely American sicknesses. Then I stopped by AYC and saw that she beat me to the punch. Heh.

Watching our wonderful current crop of Democratic Senators act like this year's overpaid NHL crybabies- "We can't have things our way, so we're just gonna go on strike and shut down the U.S. Senate!"- is really starting to get to me. Making me think that the scales of Idiotarianism in America are tipping dangerously toward LaLaLiberalLand. Scary.

Then this idiot comes along, and puts everything in perspective. Oh- British people have insane moonbats too? Well, I know that- but they can get enough insane moonbats in one place to elect one of their own? Good! I was starting to think only Massachusetts and the People's Republik of the Left Koast™ did that. Now I know that it's not just an American problem. That gives me a warm fuzzy. Thanks, Mr. Galloway.

Oh, all satire aside- the Official Message of SITYSK™ to ol' Georgie:

Piss off, wanker. Not one intelligent person anywhere in the world believes you. Thanks for playing.

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