18 May 05


i feel a bit tires i mean tired this morning just because i got up a canadian quater cents a

Somebody Googled that- and guess who was #1 on that particular list?

The world is a scary place.

"Who are you people?!" is a registered catch phrase of Semi-Intelligent Thoughts, Inc. All rights reserved.

Army NCO Guy decided you should know this at 0954 | TrackBack
Loyal Readers™ have spoken up!

Hey, at least you're not getting visitors who were looking for information on a certain R&B star's anatomy...

CD decided we should know this on 18 May 05 at 1427

Are you kidding? That's been at least a weekly occurence for months now.

Army NCO Guy decided we should know this on 18 May 05 at 1442

Matter of fact, it happened again today. (Just found out.)

Army NCO Guy decided we should know this on 18 May 05 at 1612
Speak up, you!

Want a glass of milk with that cookie?